Funkis/Anulaibar vs Kenji Siratori

Wednesday 21 June 2006, 08:17
A while ago I got a question from the Japanese cyberpunk author Kenji Siratori to do collaboration. I’ve now done a “remix” off one off his spoken word pieces called Industrial Boy.



PayPal button fixed

Sunday 28 May 2006, 21:55
There was some kind off malfunktion off the Buy now button. The problem is now fixed and the button should now work as intended. Happy shopping!



Arfihorpotis released

Friday 26 May 2006, 22:00
Now. Finally. At last. It's ready. After almost two months of building, rebuilding, mixing, rebuilding, mixing, mastering...(repeat to many times) I've decided to call it a finished work. It will be, as stated earlier, released as a CD-r. The price is 5 euro, and that includes shipping all over the world. Just click this nifty button:

The work is an example of drone music, but one that goes from the quieter moments to louder parts, and doesn't necessarily stay on one particular stance. From the opening metallic rumble (with lots of reverb) the work shifts back down into the depths of slowly developing tones and drones. Sometimes things move very slowly and nothing seems to be happening, but that creates at the same time a hypnotic effect, without leaping into boredom.
Frans deWaard Vital Weekly 546

or go here if you want to read more.



Arfihorpotis trailer

Wednesday 17 May 2006, 12:15
The trailer for the forthcoming work Arfihorpotis is now available. Arfihorpotis is not an album. Arfihorpotis is a work that should be considered as one piece of music. It consists of 5 movements, from harsh sounds to drones. Arfihorpotis will be released on CD-r at the end off May.



What's going on?

Tuesday 04 April 2006, 22:14
I guess you all being curious about what I’ve been up to the last couple off weeks. Since it’s almost one and a half month since I updated anything on the site – except for some links – all your wonders and worries are justified.

Most off the time I’ve been closing up stuff at work such as ending some projects and applying for some new appointments. Since they’re reorganizing and there’ll be some 30% cut backs on the management and administrations I don’t know where I’ll end up when I get back in August. Not a very pleasant situation. But time will tell, and maybe it’s my big chance to finally leave the firm...

But now then, let’s talk about something more enjoyable. I started my parental leave this Monday and I will spend the coming five months playing with my kids, changing diapers, spending time in the playground and trying to sort out what I want to become when I grow up.

I will also try to put some time into the music. I’ve started to make the demo I’ve been talking about the last year. For those off you that are on slsk you can stay updated on the progress by checking\funkis-anulaibar\in progress - unfinished work in my shared folders. My screen name is and you’ll most often find me in the Dark Ambient room. Go there and tell me what you think. Every response and comment is welcome and appreciated.

My old vision of a dark ambient/soundscape/drone/eam community is also starting to take more solid form. I’ve started some preliminary discussions with some people and from what will be concluded there I will formulate something more substantial.



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